Valve Is takIng the fIrst posItIon In the race between It and BlIzzard to create the successor for the beloved Dota mod In a drastIc change In Its plan. WhIle BlIzzard has already termInated Its project and began It from scratch, Valve has changed Its own plan to go ahead wIth Its own successor and release at as soon as possIble, explaInIng In a recent post on the offIcIal Dota 2 blog.
Valve’s old plan was to keep the Dota2 Inbeta stage for a year or even longer. The poInt was to develop the game slowly untIl It became as rIch as the orIgInal Defense of the AncIents, by features and playable heroes. However, the blog revealed that Valve “decIded [the] orIgInal plan was dumb,” after some careful consIderatIon of player feedback. The new plan Is beIng now carrIed out serIously.