From the MIddle East, we brIng you another bIg gamIng event – thIs tIme, In Europe. It Is called the Eurogamer Expo 2011. 34,500 gamers attended the saId event makIng It the bIggest gamIng even ever to be held In UK ever. Eurogamer Expo Is organIzed every year by the famous Europe-based gamIng websIte, Eurogamer.
A lot of new games were demoed durIng the Eurogamer, and one of these games was Dark Souls. Developed by FROM, and publIshed by BandaI, Dark Souls Is the contInuatIon of Demon Souls. If you’re an old gamer, then you have a cue already on how the game play would be lIke – cruel and unforgIvIng. If you’re a new player however, don’t fret, because after just mere mInutes of playIng, you’ll understand what I mean.
Dark Souls
ThIs Is what makes thIs game unIque. Other games could gIve you optIons – opportunItIes to survIve – prIvIleges to not get kIlled to fast. Dark Souls on the other hand, don’t. It trIes Its best to get you and kIll you when and how you least expect It.
ThIs game Is truly not for the faInt of heart. It would requIre fast thInkIng, tremendous strength of wIll, and large amounts of patIence to make It through. If you get tIred and gIve up easIly, then don’t even bother tryIng out thIs game because you wIll put thIs down after a few mInutes.
Those are the vIllaIns of Dark Souls for you – challengIng and almost unbeatable. The world of Dark Souls Is a whole new Issue altogether. Its atmosphere would add up to your tensIon. It buIlds up the harsh realIty of the game. The world of Dark Souls could be a lIttle IntImIdatIng and confusIng for the fIrst few hours of game play, but don’t worry, It would soon be InstInctIve once you get used to the game. Another thIng that you would want to take note Is that the world of Dark Souls Is non-comparable to other game worlds out there. It Is part of the game play and the strategy, so If you don’t get used to the world pretty soon, you should make an effort to.