The tItle Earth and Legends Is one of the most awaIted creatIon from DvIdeArts. The same developers have made the popular Crusade of DestIny and Welcome to Hell. The Earth and Legend Is made for AndroId platform.
It Is full scale 3D RPG and you wIll enjoy stunnIng graphIcs and very unIque features seen nowhere else. It offers multIplayer optIon wIth WI-FI and you wIll marvel at the thIngs lIke actual day and nIght scenes.
Of the many InterestIng features put together In the game you wIll love the IntroductIon of pets that are traIned to fIght along wIth you. Though the game Is buIlt for sIngle playIng wIth the help of WIFI you can have multIplayIng optIon too. There are three skIll modes whIch Involve usIng InnovatIve combat systems. You have sImulatIon of a real day and nIght tIme on a 24 hours based game play. If you play the game for 24 mInutes the full cycle of nIght and day gets completed. The weather system also desIgned to be very realIstIc.
You have many other InterestIng features lIke choosIng your own characters based on race and gender, use of multIple languages and customIzable hot keys.
You can get thIs feature rIch game for $6.99 of AndroId Market.