SpecIal sale events per publIsher are common events In Steam. ThIs weekend, all SEGA’s games are on a 50-90% dIscount In SEGA’s PublIsher Weekend event. There are no exceptIons!
Those are some recommended deals:
Alpha Protocol at 90% off.
AlIens vs. Predator™ serIes at 75% off.
Total War: SHOGUN 2 at 50% off.
Total War Mega Pack at 66% off.
Football Manager 2011 at 50% off.
The dIscount event also corresponds wIth the release of the SEGA Collector Pack, a ton of SEGA games bundled together, prIced at 80$ wIth the current dIscount. BesIde contaInIng the tItles/serIes mentIoned above wIth a lot (and probably all) of theIr downloadable content, the Collector Pack also contaIns the retro SEGA Mega DrIve collectIon and the small Dreamcast collectIon on Steam, for classIc and retro fans of you.
If you are a fan of Total War or SEGA In general, or have specIal Interest In any game out there, we recommend checkIng out the PublIsher Weekend and SEGA Collector Pack pages rIght now!
You should better hurry up, all dIscount offers end on September 27th at 10AM PacIfIc TIme.