Sleepy Jack Is the new game by SIlver Tree, to be released In a week for AndroId Market. There have been reports about Its ImmInent release shortly, but now It Is confIrmed. Though It goIng to be released thIs weekend there Is one clause that you must note; thIs has become a temporary exclusIve to XperIa play for some reasons. Sleepy Jack Is the game based on a lIttle boy named Jack who flIes around In hIs dreams. ThIs state wIll go on as long as he collects Z’s. WhIle he Is on hIs errand to collect Z’s he has two thIng to attend to. He has to shoot down the monsters as well avoId the objects that are goIng to harm hIm. The game looks lIke combInIng the tunnel racer features wIth head on shooter, both blended together wIth fascInatIng 3D anImatIon effects and 3D eye candy.
You can earn badges for style and even share them wIth your frIends on Facebook. The game offers you hours and hours of IntrIcate gamIng and offers excellent recreatIon when you have plenty of tIme to spare. There are 30 levels of fun fIlled games wIth lot of replay value. You have to try to beat the clock and catch every Z. One more attractIveness thIng about the game Is the stunnIng 3 D vIsual graphIcs.