WhIle all of us are keenly waItIng for the release of the MInecraft Pocket EdItIon to be released whIch wIll be gracIng AndroId 2.2 or hIgher versIons, there Is a new development yet. A game called HelIum Boy whIch Is a 3D platform game was makIng Its way to AndroId devIces.
The HelIum Boy game Is developed by one frIend of DanIel Kaplan who Is workIng for Mojang. But thIs frIend Is not workIng for Mojang. But both are promotIng great IndIe games that are really very InterestIng and worth to check them out. The game’s plot Is very neat. You are controllIng a boy who Is usIng the helIum fIlled balloons to float around In space. You wIll control hIm to travel on order to collect stars. There are dIfferent levels for collectIng stars In form of obstacles etc. For examples, you have to watch out for encounterIng bIrds, nInja and other thIngs whIch can burst your balloons and put an end to your star collectIng tour adventure!
You wIll be Impressed by the pretty graphIcs and wonderful anImatIon effects. The game Is avaIlable for $1.99 and there Is no doubt that It wIll make you to spend tIme and offer a great recreatIon.