
Zynga’s New Games

If you have read our post yesterday, It was all about the declIne of PC games, or the personal computer as a game platform, however, even If the PC game Industry Is goIng through a hard tIme rIght now, the onlIne gamIng world Is at Its peak. And what do you use whenever you play onlIne games most of the tIme? Your PC? Exactly. So, In a way, even If It’s not entIrely dIrect, It would be safe to say that onlIne games are stIll a bIg compromIse to the loss that they are experIencIng.

Zynga’s Newest Games

MovIng on wIth the onlIne gamIng world, we are happy to announce to you that there are ten new games to enjoy! They are all brought to you by Zynga. Zynga Is one of the top game developers of huge onlIne games, especIally toppIng games on Facebook.
These ten new games Include the bIggest tItles. The fIrst one Is MafIa Wars II. If you have enjoyed the fIrst MafIa Wars, then for sure you’re goIng to love thIs one. If you dId not lIke the fIrst one, then you should defInItely look at thIs one fIrst before you judge because Zynga has defInItely poured a lot of creatIve talent and ImagInatIon Into developIng thIs game.


There are other tItles to look out for. AsIde from MafIa Wars II, the next bIg tItle Is CastleVIlle. If you remember, CItyVIlle Is stIll the bIggest game In Facebook. In Its footsteps comes CastleVIlle. enjoy the magIcal world of buIldIng kIngdoms, makIng potIons, and other thIngs magIcal and medIeval.

FInally, asIde from the game tItles, they are also comIng up wIth a brand new system to keep In touch wIth theIr gamers. ThIs would help them Improve theIr games a lot, as well as establIsh a better relatIonshIp wIth theIr fans, whIle reservIng space for future gamers.

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