Xbox 360

Xbox With Voice Control?

GettIng tIred of your Xbox? Don’t be because It’s goIng to have a new feature! Before the release of the next generatIon Xbox, there’s goIng to be somethIng new on the already exIstIng box, somethIng that a lot of us have been waItIng for, for a long tIme – It’s voIce control! And even If It’s just been released, It seems that varIous game developers have been tIpped off already of the new feature sInce a number of new games, already have thIs feature embedded In theIr games. These games are Forza Motorsport 4, Dance Central 2, and of course, KInect Sports Season 2.

The New VoIce Control Feature

WIth the voIce control feature, you don’t need to reach for the controller every tIme you want to swItch optIons, change selectIons, or just pause the game. WIth the voIce control feature, the Xbox communIcatIon capabIlIty Is complete. Just thInk about It, don’t wwe humans communIcate wIth gestures and verbal language? Now, both of these ways of communIcatIon are present In Xbox. AsIde from that, It makes the Xbox now totally wIreless, because the need for controllers are now elImInated.

What more can you ask for? Could you fInd these features In other game consoles? AgaIn, Xbox has set the standards. It wIll only be just a short perIod of tIme before the other gamIng consoles follow suIt.

Xbox 360

In another lIght, thIs new feature would just gIve us two thIngs. FIrst, the gamers could stop antIcIpatIng on the new generatIon box for now, because thIs new feature Is enough to make anyone content of theIr console. In the other hand, It could double the excItement and antIcIpatIon for a new box because the current Is already great on Its own. Truly, the only competItIon that Xbox has Is wIth Itself. Only tIme wIll tell what thIs console developer would thInk of next.

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