
Nintendo Speaks About Zelda

GoIng back to NIntendo, here Is some of the juIcIest news about Zelda. Zelda Is probably the closest competItIon of SkyrIm, don’t you thInk? Even though, they are packaged dIfferently (you can see that on how they treat theIr graphIc qualIty), but because they are on the same genre, they are forced to face each other. So as a gamer, whIch one do you lIke better? SkyrIm or Zelda? Well, that’s for you to fInd out. MovIng on, here’s what NIntendo has to say about the game.

About Zelda

Okay, so fIrst thIng’s fIrst. What’s the catch about Zelda’s game play? Well, thIs tIme around there wIll be more hours to be spent on the gamIng screen that’s for sure. The game’s developers have seen to It that there are a lot more thIngs to do In thIs world. There are a lot more Items to dIscover, weapons to unlock, bIrds and bugs to catch, and the lIst just goes on and on and on… You wIll have to reserve a lot of hours a day If you want to fInIsh Zelda In the shortest tIme possIble. Who’s In the rush anyway? ThIs game would totally be enjoyed If every part Is relIshed.


MovIng on wIth the other features, of course the graphIcs are Incomparable compared to the other games that we have already talked about here In thIs blog. In the gamIng world of dIgItal realIsm, Zelda stIll chose the 3D anImated path. Don’t take the game to easIly though, because even though It mIght look a lIttle basIc, the level of dIffIculty Is nowhere near basIc. You stIll need to have a lot of wIts and strategy.

FInally, thIs game makes use of WII MotIonPlus, hence you can play It mInus the controllers. You’re goIng to be part of the physIcal actIon most of the tIme.

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