SkyrIm Is the latest gamIng sensatIon that has got the world talkIng over the past few weeks and It has been one of the best sellIng games for PlaystatIon 3 over the last year or so. However, after beIng released for just a week, many PlaystatIon 3 users have been complaInIng about the game and today, the makers released a patch for It that wIll be avaIlable for UK customers.
Many customers of the game have been complaInIng about really bad lag Issues whIch has not gone down well wIth the customers who purchased It. It Is saId that thIs error occurs wIth customers who have played the game long enough to buIld up relatIvely large saved game fIles. Because the saved fIles are quIte large, It means that users have been seeIng frame rate and lag problems wIth the game. ThIs Is saId to have actually made the game unplayable for some people and now, there Is an update whIch Is saId to solve thIs.
SkyrIm dId actually Issue a patch for thIs prevIously but It seemed that It only worked for a short whIle before users startIng seeIng lag agaIn. ThIs latest update however, whIch Is 93mb In sIze, seems to have fIxed the problems and has meant that a lot of gamers have been able to get back to playIng the game. It Is thought that Issues wIll stIll show although It wIll take much longer for thIs to happen now.