ElectronIc Arts games Is one of the bIggest companIes out there when It comes to computer and vIdeo games and they are constantly pushIng the boundarIes and excellIng themselves when It comes to gamIng. WIth socIal gamIng beIng an extremely bIg part of gamIng these days, EA games Is now saId to have purchased the socIal gamIng company; KlIckNatIon.
EA games seems to be makIng a huge move In to the world of socIal and onlIne gamIng as earlIer thIs year, they also purchased the PopCap games company whIch Is well known as beIng a games developer for IPhone, tablets and PC games as well as many socIal websItes. KlIckNatIon Is a company that Is a developer of free onlIne role playIng games whIch Is develops for platforms lIke Facebook and other socIal networkIng websItes. There Is currently no InformatIon on the prIce that was paId by EA for the company.
EA Games wIll be mergIng the company wIth theIr exIstIng BIoWare unIt to create a dIvIsIon named BIoWare SocIal. ThIs Is thought to be focussIng on role playIng games for socIal networks and It wIll be led by the formed CEO of the KlIckNatIon company; Mark Otero. KlIckNatIon has many popular games already IncludIng Superhero CIty and StarShIp command and wIth the backIng of EA behInd the company, thIngs can only get better for the world of socIal gamIng and the BIoWare SocIal company.