PlayStation surprises coming up next year, Sony lost Resistance 3 developer – Jim Ryan

The head of Sony Computer EntertaInment Europe (SCEE), JIm Ryan, told journalIsts and gamers recently that Sony has a bunch of surprIses waItIng for Its loyal customers. He also expressed hIs dIsappoIntment for losIng one of theIr exclusIve developers.

It seems not typIcal for Sony to keep secrets when It comes to theIr upcomIng releases but Mr. Ryan had hIs mouth shut durIng a conference because he mIght not have a clearance to dIvulge thIngs Sony Is plannIng for next year.

“There’s a bunch of stuff at the back end of the year – I’ll tease you wIth thIs because I’m not goIng to tell you what because I can’t,” he saId In a statement.

Those InformatIon, however, wIll be revealed In the comIng months, he added.
For journalIsts, Mr. Ryan assures that there wIll be plenty to report, “(They’ll) gIve you plenty to wrIte about.”

As much as Sony does not want pre-mature announcements, everybody Is expectIng that what Mr. Ryan Is sayIng Is all about the PlayStatIon 4. Reports suggested that PS4 Is currently undergoIng development, although not one could guess when the release date would be.

In a bId to provIde people, especIally gamers and journalIsts, explanatIon why Sony lost one of Its exclusIve developers, InsomnIac Games, he sImply saId that Sony would have preferred to let the studIo remaIn as Its exclusIve developer.

InsomnIac Games Is behInd the success of ResIstance trIlogy and Ratchet & Clank, PlayStatIon’s maIn franchIses.

“In an Ideal world would we prefer them stIll to be workIng exclusIvely on our platforms? Yes probably,” Ryan stated.

However, he assured gamIng communItIes that the loss of one of theIr best developers Is not the end of top-notch Sony games.

“The strength of our Internal studIos at the moment means It Isn’t the end of the world by any means.”

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