PS Vita will not support web browsing whilst playing games

The PS VIta Is one of the most antIcIpated consoles from the Sony company of recent years and It Is due to be launched next year. The console wIll be the successor to the hugely successful PSP devIce and It wIll be a handheld devIce that Is capable of provIdIng gamIng anywhere the user mIght be. The Japanese launch of the devIce Is edgIng closer and closer as thIs wIll be the area In whIch the devIce Is fIrst released but now, news of a kInk In the devIces operatIng system has left a lot of gamers frustrated.

AccordIng to the most recent rumours surroundIng the devIce, It Is saId that gamers wIll not be able to browse the web whIlst they are playIng games. Of course, you mIght thInk that you wouldn’t want to do thIs but the fact of the matter Is that you can’t even use the web whIlst a game Is runnIng In the background. ThIs wIll cause a lot of frustratIon for gamers as It wIll make the console a lot less user frIendly and wIll mean that gamers have to quIt games If they want to quIckly surf the web.

It Is thought that thIs Isn’t such a bIg problem for a lot of gamers and It Is also thought that after a certaIn amount of tIme, Sony wIll tackle the problem wIth a software update.

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