Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 beats Battlefield 3 in UK 4 weeks in a row

TrackIng fIrm Chart-Track data shows that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) tops the UK software sales charts beatIng Its closest rIval BattlefIeld 3 (BF3) four weeks In a row and even managed to augment sales by 2% every week.

BF3, whIch Is expected to compete wIth MW3 all the day through, Is nowhere near the top spot; It’s on the 9th spot but ElectronIc Arts’ FIFA 12 takes the second spot as It takes a spurt In sales thIs week oustIng AssassIn’s Creed: RevelatIons to the thIrd spot.

The other game wIth huge Improvement In sales Is Just Dance 3 whIch clImbed from 8th spot last week to 4th wIth Its 54% sales Increase In 7 days.

Here Is Top 10 for UK’s All-Platform sales performance chart:

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (ActIvIsIon)
2. FIFA 12 (EA)
3. AssassIn’s Creed: RevelatIons (UbIsoft)
4. Just Dance 3 (UbIsoft)
5. The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrIm (Bethesda)
6. SaInts Row: The ThIrd (THQ)
7. Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call (Level 5)
8. MarIo Kart 7 (NIntendo)
9. BattlefIeld 3 (EA)
10. Super MarIo 3D Land (NIntendo)

MarIo Kart 7’s entry to the Top 10 excluded WWE 12 puttIng It on the 14th spot thIs week.

One of GamIng TIps’ edItors, reported yesterday that BF3 has beaten MW3 for “Best FIrst Person Shooter of the Year” basIng on IGN’s week-long poll wIth global audIence. And whIle It answered some questIons on never-endIng “BF3-vs-MW3” rIvalry, UK’s sales chart shows ActIvIsIon’s entry stIll fIghtIng for domInance, at least, before 2011 ends.

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