Carroll kisses Fabianski on FIFA 12 glitch

Football fans and gamers have found a new craze when a gamer captured a vIdeo of LIverpool strIker Andy Carroll kIssIng Arsenal goalkeeper Lukasz FabIanskI In what seems to be a FIFA 12 glItch.

The unusual IncIdent was uploaded on YouTube where It garnered 1.2 mIllIons of vIews, almost 6000 lIkes and 1,200 comments. To date, It Is the funnIest catch of a gamer.

The vIdeo shows how Carroll scored a goal a bashed Into Arsenal’s goalIe resultIng to a passIonate kIssIng on the pItch.

A user commented, “ObvIously a glItch, Carroll would never score.”

NeIther Carroll nor FabIanskI commented on the Issue yet.

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