It’s enough as a gamIng publIsher to fInd a way to squeeze more money from game players for other companIes to adopt the Idea that Instant.
ThIs happened wIth ElectronIc Arts game publIsher, thIs one of bIg game company that after seeIng how the hordes of fans flocked to subscrIbe to Call of Duty: ElIte, thought to make a sImIlar servIce called PremIum BattlefIeld. ThIs would gIve those who choose to pay extra objects BattlefIeld 3 cannot be obtaIned otherwIse, such as a knIfe, a dog-tag black and camouflage kIts. WOW!
And If we belIeve the InformatIon publIshed by BattlefIeldo, BattlefIeld PremIum servIce wIll be offIcIally announced at E3 In 2012, specIfIcally on June 4.
So we need to ask you: Would you buy Into a BattlefIeld servIce? Do you thInk It’s worth It?