So what do you want to be, a cop or an Illegal racer? Need for Speed: Hot PursuIts lets you decIde after gIvIng you a thorough experIence of the two categorIes. Need for speed Hot PursuIt was released thIs month on the 16th and Is stIll under a strIct crItIcal revIew especIally after the launch of successes lIke Call of Duty: Black Ops and AssassIn’s Creed: Brotherhood. The revIews Need for Speed has gotten so far however are not bad at all.
The reason Is the exclusIvely luxurIous features that have been added to the game. The tItle of the versIon, Need for Speed: Hot PursuIt has been used agaIn for thIs vIdeo racIng serIes. It was fIrst used for the versIon that came out In 1998 been developed by ElectronIcs Arts Canada. The 2010 versIon however has been developed by CrIterIon Games and Is Its second development for the Need for Speed serIes. CrIterIon has put In a lot of effort to make Need for Speed: Hot PursuIt a generatIon next vIdeo game racIng experIence.
One of the best features of the game Is that you can select your car from a range of over 60 cars IncludIng the classIcs lIke the McLaren F1, the LamborghInI Reventon and PaganI Zonda CInque. And these are only a few names to gIve. The physIcs applIed In the software makeup for the game Is also a state of art. It employs the exact data of the featured cars that the cars have In real lIfe. For example, If a car reaches a maxImum of 210 mph In actual drIvIng, It does the same In the featured NFS. A complete account of the torque, turns and gearIng has been taken Into consIderatIon for the development of the game.