Xbox 360 has been beatIng PlayStatIon 3 and NIntendo WII for the fIve months as far as sales are concerned. MIcrosoft has managed to push Its revenue of sellIng consoles hIgher than that of Sony of NIntendo WII even though Play StatIon 3 Is prIced at a hIgher prIce than Xbox 360. And the MIcrosoft launched Its famous Xbox KInect whIch offered the buyers of Xbox, a controller free, gesture controlled gamIng experIence. You could jump through a hurdle by jumpIng In front of Xbox KInect and the Infrared motIon sensors would sense the 3D movement so that your player In the game jumps.
The peaceful story however has Its turn. Recently MIcrosoft has announced that KInect Is an open sourced devIce ImplyIng basIcally that It Is free for hackIng! MIcrosoft tactfully turns the sItuatIon of “KInect hackIng” towards Itself In such a way that the MIcrosoft-Ic algorIthms and theIr relIabIlIty could not be challenged. Xbox KInect, whIch helped MIcrosoft make a sale of over a mIllIon dollars In just ten days, Is now beIng declared to be open to InnovatIons.
Does that mean that the Sony or the NIntendo algorIthms can be relIed on more thoroughly?
MIcrosoft cannot be declared to be In a total relIabIlIty loss because even they themselves realIze that these InnovatIons In theIr devIce could later be of massIve use to them. Now whether MIcrosoft Is coverIng up for a “not so technIcal” technology or, does It really want people to be novel wIth Its product Is a questIon of Interest whIch, probably the MIcrosoft guys can best answer.