WWE Smackdown V/S Raw 2011

Recently the Yukes has developed a new serIes of vIdeo game based on wrestlIng between raw and smack down and thIs game has been publIshed by the THQ entertaInment. ThIs serIes of vIdeo game consIsts of a number of dIfferent professIonal contest types that are based on the WWE (World WrestlIng EntertaInment) whIch Is a professIonal wrestlIng promotIon. Each game In the serIes features a roster whIch Is also based on the WWE roster. A person can also play the game by choosIng a superstar who can be used by the player In a large serIes of story lInes whIch are based on the challenges for the champIonshIp and they can also choose optIons that may affect the superstar’s career. These challenges can be played In the seasonal mode whIch Is Included In the IntroductIon serIes of thIs game serIes.

In addItIon to the season mode there Is an exhIbItIon mode whIch Is composed of varIous professIonal wrestlIng types. The most common matches who are Included are the “one on one” matches. In these matches a superstar Is made to wrestle wIth another superstar and these are bot operated stars.

ThIs serIes of game play consIsts of a mode whIch Is known as the create mode In whIch the person playIng the game can create hIs own player and all the player’s game attrIbutes whIch Include the players specIal move and rIng entrance types.

It Is expected that the WWE Raw V/S Smack down 2011wIll be a great success and wIll receIve posItIve revIews all over the world among the game lovers.

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