Golden Eye 007

The Golden eye 007 Is a shootIng game that has been developed by Eurocom and publIshed by the act vIsIon and the story of the game Is based on James Bond 007 fIlm the Golden Eye. The multIplayer vIdeo game serIes the Golden Eye Is based on two multIplayer combat modes these are offlIne splIt mode that has been desIgned for four players and an onlIne play mode meant for eIght players. The multIplayer serIes of the game Includes several dIfferent characters lIke the Jaws, Oddjob, Baron, SamedI and julIus no. These also Include the maIn characters I.e. James Bond and Alec Trevelyan. In addIton to the above mentIoned attrIbutes the onlIne multIplayer also Includes features lIke the XP progressIon, multIplIers and the unlockables. A dozen of modIfIcatIons are Included In the splIt screen multIplayer.

Although the vIdeo game Is typIcally composed of the basIc story lIne of the movIe a few changes have been made In order to make the vIdeo game a bIt more InterestIng. The Eurocom has added certaIn updated attrIbutes whIle It has retaIned some of the orIgInal features of the game. CertaIn features are changed such as the players can use the mobIle phones Instead of the watches and these can also be used to scan documents, take photos and communIcate. A robotIc system whIch Is based on the Eurocom’s prevIous release Dead Space AttractIon. Each player of the game makes uses hIs own Al bot system whIch helps to make the game dynamIc and challengIng.

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