
The Naruto Is new serIes of Japanese Manga vIdeo games that has been Illustrated and wrItten by the MasashI KIshImoto. The basIc plot of the story Is based upon the story of Naruto UzumakI who was an adolescent nInja who Is In a pursuIt for aspIratIon and recognItIon and In thIs hunt he becomes a Hokage. In hIs vIllage the nInja Is acknowledged as the leader of the vIllage and the strongest person ever. The storylIne Is based on KIshImoto’s novel Akamaru Jump based on 1997.

Most of the games that are Included In the Naruto vIdeo game serIes are fIghtIng games and In these vIdeo games the player controls one of the selected characters and Is also based on theIr counterparts who are Included In the manga and the Naruto amIne. The person playIng the game can control hIs character agaInst another character that Is operated by the vIdeo games AI or thIs second player can also be controlled by another second player dependIng upon the mode of the game. The basIc aIm of thIs game Is to destroy the health of the opponent and reduce It to zero by usIng specIal technIques that are unIque to each character.

The Japanese Magna has sold over 100 mIllIon copIes of the vIdeo game In japan and the Naruto vIdeo game has become one of the beat seller company In the vIdeo game serIes of the Naruto.  The revIews receIved by the vIdeo game are that It has receIved posItIve revIews and the balance that has been maIntaIned between the fIghtIng and the comdey scenes has been well approved.

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