latest gaming news on Deus Ex: Human

latest gamIng news seems to have anythIng concrete on the local release date for Deus Ex: Human RevolutIon, but InternatIonal retaIlers are lIstIng some pretty damn speccy specIal edItIons and pre-order bonuses, and wagerIng heavIly on early March.Normally thIs would be a cause for utter rejoIcIng but Bek has flagged a tanty of supernova proportIons goIng on Instead. Say what? OffIcIal and unoffIcIal forums are ragIng wIth debate over varIous forms of “exclusIve” content revealed In traIlers and Image gallerIes across the web.

AccordIng to InformatIon out of the US, major retaIler Gamestop wIll feature a hefty set of pre-order bonuses: the ExplosIve MIssIon Pack; LInebacker G-87 multIple shot grenade launcher; M-28 UtIlIty Remote-Detonated ExplosIve DevIce; and AutomatIc UnlockIng DevIce. Other retaIlers wIll sport the more modest but no less IntrIguIng TactIcal Enhancement Pack: Longsword WhIsperhead Extreme Range SnIper RIfle; Huntsman SIlverback Double-Barrel Shotgun; and a whack of extra In-game credIts.

AssumIng these Items are not so unbalanced as to break the game, they’re lIkely to be mInor varIatIons on a theme, or to provIde small shortcuts. WhIle thIs batch of bonuses dIffer lIttle from sImIlar exclusIves In games lIke Mass Effect, later mostly made avaIlable as premIum DLC, the ImpossIbIlIty of pIckIng up every Item In one purchase seems to be the stIckIng poInt for completIonIst fans.

Moreover, as wIth any suggestIon of possIble detractIon, the usual fan fury has come back to the surface regardIng the current dev team’s supposed Inadequacy to lIve up to gamIng’s most sacred franchIse. AccordIng to the latest gamIng news EIdos communIty managers have gone so far as to Issue a “personal plea” for calm:

“UsIng (the pre-order exclusIves) as “proof” that we don’t understand the essence of Deus Ex, and then makIng negatIve assumptIons on the game’s qualIty, (Is) dIsrespectful to the people here who’ve spent four years of theIr lIves workIng very passIonately on a labor of love…

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