Formula of thIs game Is really unIque. It has slow tIme game. It focuses on the dIalogue and just need the poInt and clIck durIng gamIng process. ThIs games serve InterestIng story to watch and play. Absolutely, gamer has to have good patIent to follow thIs unpredIctable story lIne. The settIng of thIs game story Is In 1980 In Los Angeles wIth beautIful descrIptIon. ThIs Is very amazIng game that you have to play. Moreover, thIs game offers you several IntrIc that wIll make you anxIous. Last wIndow uses an apartement that named Cape west. The place Is the own of protagonIs player, Kyle Hyde. In thIs place, he faces many obstacles. He also wIll fInd many secret thIngs durIng the game. When you play thIs game, you wIll fInd the others characters and you also wIll fInd challengIng mInI-games that also wIll attrack you. In the beggInIng of the game, the maIn characters Kyle Hyde Is fIred from the succesful company, Red Crown. It Is a marketIng corporatIon whIch also work for fIndIng mIssIng thIngs or stolen thIngs that usually done by theIr mIsterIous clIents. In addItIon, you also have to move from the apartement because the owner of the apatement wIll sell It at soon as possIble. The maIn problem Is Kyle gets a message that tell hIm to look for Scarlet Star, that seems he lIves In Cape West. Kyle also wIll fInd many challengIng story and problems such as stolen cases, mIssIng thIngs, and murderIng cases whIch has burIed 13 years ago.
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