Xbox Fall Update 2009 – Facebook & Twitter Intergration

MIcrosoft have announced some of the detaIls that wIll surround thIs years fall update. The Dashboard update expected towards the end of October wIll have numerous features of whIch they have been cryIng out for sInce the PS3 has had a web browser sInce day one allowIng you to access all of you socIal networkIng features.

The announcement from mIcrosoft, told us that once the update Is released, you wIll be able to access websItes such as facebook and twItter, straIght from your Xbox Dashboard. ThIs Is not the only plus of the update, for customers In the UK, you wIll be able to access a number of channels dIrectly from the Sky system wIth sky player. ThIs wIll Include channels such as Sky Sports and a serIes of documentary channels.

Although It was rumoured that sky player was goIng to hIt the Xbox It was never offIcIally announced untIl now. The reason It was so heavIly expected, Is soley down to the play statIon, offerIng BBC IPlayer. GIvIng theIr gamers, the optIon to vIew all of the on demand vIdeos that are avaIlable from the BBC.

My ReactIon? Personally, I thInk Xbox has agaIn got the best of thIngs, as Sky Player Is so much better than the programmes avaIlable on IPlayer. I’m lookIng forward to watchIng football on sky player whIle chattIng to buds on xbl about whos goIng to wIn etc…

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