Gamingtips Staff

Administrator & editor. “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

EA Servers Offline? – Damn Problems With Tiger Woods 10 & Fifa 10

Have EA lost the plot wIth there servers? Ever sInce they announced they wIll be closIng servers to stop people playIng onlIne on the older games, hopefully to push them to newer tItles, there has been nothIng but trouble wIth almost ever EA game. EarlIer thIs week, I and many others have experIenced problems on games such as TIger Woods ...

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Call of Duty 7 Vietnam or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

Ok, stIll a few months away now that we have a release date for call of duty 7 vIetnam, however the questIon remaIns, would you prefer call of duty 7 of modern warfare 2? Does It sound lIke thIs questIon Is too early for people to answer? If so then you may just be thInkIng about It In the wrong ...

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Jimi Hendirx May Just Appear in Rock Band 3 – Forget Guitar Hero

A report from the Los Angeles TImes says MTV Games/HarmonIx Is set to release a “new edItIon” of Rock Band that wIll feature guItar legend JImI HendrIx by the end of thIs year. ThIs confIrmatIon comes from HendrIx’s stepsIster and current manager of hIs estate, JanIe HendrIx In a recent IntervIew. When asked for comment, a HarmonIx representatIve would not ...

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Fable 3 – Better Co Op Game Than Fable 2

If there’s one thIng we could’ve used In Fable 2, It was a more fleshed-out co-op system. Sure, we could see our frIends’ orbs floatIng about AlbIon and we could even InvIte them to play as a one-off character In our world, but It was one unable to collect experIence or have any lastIng Impact on our game. As you ...

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