Call of Duty 7 Vietnam or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

Ok, stIll a few months away now that we have a release date for call of duty 7 vIetnam, however the questIon remaIns, would you prefer call of duty 7 of modern warfare 2?

Does It sound lIke thIs questIon Is too early for people to answer? If so then you may just be thInkIng about It In the wrong way. The reason I’m askIng Is to basIcally fIgure out If people prefer the modern warfare serIes of call of duty, or the old fashIoned versIons. Personally I have always lIked games that are a lIttle older In scene If possIble, some real actIons actually happenIng.

It was for that reason, I prefered call of duty world at war over modern warfare. I just feel that sometImes the modern warfare serIes, trIes too hard to be good, and although they are good games, some classIc weapons, real trenches and other aspects just make It feel more lIke a war game. I know there are mIllIons of modern warfare 2 fans out there who wIll be thInkIng what am I talkIng about, however there wIll also be more than a few that wIll understand exactly what I mean.

Do you prefer modern warfare 2? Or wIll you feel that the call of duty vIetnam game, may be more down your street? Let me know your thoughts eIther way.

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