Here comes The Portal 2 ThIs 2011.Several hundred years had passed sInce the downfall of GlaDOS durIng the fInal moments of the orIgInal Portal but other sequels says that It contInuously exIsts. In Portal 2, the hero from the orIgInal sequel made Its come back after an unfathomable InactIvIty. The settIng for Portal 2 Is stIll In the sterIle Aperture ScIence Labs and It saId to be the most awaIted tItles for the year 2011 whIch was featured durIng the SpIke VGA Awards.
There Is a new-fangled glossy cooperatIve mode that contaIns separate operatIon and characters In Portal 2. Just lIke Lara croft and the GuardIan of LIght, Portal 2 has Its own coop mode wIth puzzles and actIon sequences on It whereIn players should thInk and take Into actIon to stay alIve. EA Partners wIll be the one to release the game to the retaIlers accordIng to Valve. Now that the arrIval of Portal 2 Is defInIte, the only thIng that’s left Is the countdown ‘tIl the day of Its release.