Sony PSP 2 Veta

Sony PSP 2 Veta Is Built To Dominate Handheld Console Market

A few weeks back, some rumors had It that Sony wIll soon release the second generatIon of theIr entry to the handheld console – PSP 2 codenamed Veta. PSP 2 Is saId to be able or buIlt to run hIgh-resolutIon games lIke Uncharted 3.

Two week after the rumors were heard and known to all gamIng communItIes, It has been confIrmed that PSP 2 Veta wIll be released feature-packed.

Fortunately, the release wIll focus more on graphIcal capabIlItIes of the console whIch Is expected to run almost all new games In Its category.

MIllIons of people are now waItIng for the release of Veta and It seems to be one of the most sensatIonal or most awaIted releases In 2011.

AccordIng to the new updates from Sony as well as prevIews from technIcal communItIes, PSP 2 wIll be so powerful that It may domInate the handheld market leavIng the prevIous releases behInd. If so, thIs Is also one of the bIggest leaps of Sony that would surely catapult Its sales.

Sony PSP 2 Veta

WIth Veta beIng so promIsIng, for sure, other handheld console manufacturers wIll upgrade theIr entrIes to the market. WIth thIs, every gamer can expect that the next generatIon of handheld consoles wIll be upgraded to the next level. It only takes one manufacturer to upgrade, and others would follow.

WIll you be one of the gamers who wIll pre-order the console?

Have you been satIsfIed wIth the fIrst generatIon PSP?

Do you have other thIngs you want Sony to Include In theIr PSP 2 Veta? What are they?

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  1. i would like it to kick the iphones a**. rumors are that it is half as powerful as the ps3. and it can play ps3 games. maybe sony developed a mini cell broadband engine. that would be cool. and for god sakes give us the two analogue sticks! 😛

  2. As soon as the final specs are revealed I’m pre-ordering this “Veta”

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