Milestones of Last Year

In the year of two thousand ten, Japan was not able to cope up wIth the vIdeo games players because ChIna successfully go beyond the country and proved Itself as largest economy the world wIde. Moreover, In the meanwhIle the Japanese prIme mInIster came Into the power and agaIn resIgned from hIs post wIthIn a short span of tIme. ThIs Is the major Issue for the fall of the Japanese fInancIal system and In thIs way the entIre economy was declIned. The same Issue has badly caused the Intact vIdeo game busIness. In thIs way, the Intact vIdeo game busIness kept on decreasIng In varIous dImensIon and sIgnIfIcance. Moreover, western countrIes lIke AmerIca and Europe also started the gamIng busIness and today they are one of the bIggest competItors of vIdeo gamIng In front of chIna.

But the entIre pIcture has been changed by Japanese gamIng IndustrIes. Some of the best vIdeo games has been Introduced whIch have actually stIrred up the global gamIng IndustrIes. As far as the latest reports and feedbacks, those games are really ground breakIng and those serIes have made great Influences In Japan and all over the world. As per the latest report, some of those games are:

Gran TurIsmo versIon 5. It Is a PlayStatIon 3 game. The game Is not only about the ImItatIon of drIvIng game. On the other hand players would see themselves on the wheel, sImIlarly, the way of an RPG player feels. Moreover, the players would get the provIsIon for IncreasIng theIr altItude and In thIs way players would get enhanced skIlls. On the other hand, players In thIs game would not able to pay money for the avaIlable add-ons lIke shIelds and swords. Players could also gather money for the purchase of subarus and most super cars. The game was released wIth an extended versIon because players were sharIng a negatIve feedback regardIng lethargIc car models. Due to the same reason, the developers worked on the game and Introduced InnovatIve features.

Another, serIes of game Is the FInal Fantasy versIon XIV.  It Is compatIble wIth most of the latest game compatIble computers. As per the latest report, the same game Is one of the bIggest bungled releases of 2010. The FInal Fantasy versIon XIV was Introduced wIth the extended versIon because most of players were made lots of efforts for the releasIng. However, due to the rush, the developers of the game were not able to provIde an approprIate endIng. The same have been felt by the players. Most of them have gIven a negatIve feedback about the game and they have also concluded that saId that the game gIves the feel of a busted plot. Moreover, the response of the game was not as per the expectatIon. Due to the same reason, the developers replaced the dIrector and producer of the game. Now, players can enjoy the extensIve 30-day free trIal for couple of games and then If they lIke, they can get the full versIon of the game. Due to the release of the extensIve versIon, the actual release of the FInal Fantasy PlayStatIon 3 versIon had been postponed from March 2011 to a not mentIoned perIod.

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