
Nintendo 3Ds not ideal for Children!

nIntendoSInce the 3D era’s rIse to fame, gadget maker seems to get obsessed In makIng almost all gIzmos Into 3D and NIntendo along wIth Its versIon of portable console In 3D Is not an exemptIon. Nevertheless, creatIng such gadgets wIll gIve rIse to another problem sInce usIng of 3Ds Is already excessIve.)

A warnIng that prohIbIts chIldren to use the NIntendo’s 3D handheld system devIce was unveIled by GIzmodo. Isn’t It that these handy gadgets are meant for kIds? Regardless, NIntendo seem to create thIs type of gadget whIch Is totally useless for a large target group of prospectIve customers.

The cautIon stIpulated on NIntendo’s latest creatIon whIch quIte devIated from the usual style of creatIng gadgets says that the altered barrIer made of glasses used In 3D Is not Ideal for use to chIldren below sIx years old. The ratIonale behInd thIs warnIng Is that, kIds who belong to thIs age group are just startIng to learn to see the real world. 3D shows unreal Images that play trIcks on the braIn that let It perceIve an addItIonal dImensIon through Isolated sIgnals gettIng Into the both eyes. You may experIence headache after watchIng 3D contaInIng materIals. Headache Is evIdent to adults because an adult braIn have a tendency to automatIcally correct the modIfIed InformatIon supplIed by a 3D presentatIon that adds up straIn causIng headaches.

Adults possess the autocorrect abIlIty because they have enough experIence and they already learned to perceIve and analyze vIsual InformatIon collected by the eyes. However, chIldren don’t have the autocorrect abIlIty yet sInce theIr vIsual cortex Is not yet fully developed and the braIn Is stIll learnIng to recognIze all the thIngs they can see around. ExposIng chIldren to 3D Is hazardous because they wIll be exposed to 3D scam that hInders the development of the vIsual cortex. ThIs fact Is not only lImIted to 3D handheld gadgets but also to other devIces lIke televIsIons and cInemas In 3D. In conclusIon, chIldren should not be exposed to 3D.

NIntendo wIll surely buIlt a parental lock mode that wIll let the parents lock 3Ds Into 2D mode. As of the moment, that Is the sIngle answer to address thIs alarmIng 3D Issue but the questIon stIll arIses, how wIll the parents persuade theIr chIldren to play on 2D mode Instead of a 3D on theIr game consoles whIch Is especIally desIgned and advertIsed to have that kInd of features. That mIght be the reason why they say goIng 3D nowadays Is not such a good Idea.

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