We all know that FIfa 10 was the fastest sellIng football game of all tIme, and konamI must be kIckIng themselves for not puttIng In the extra hours to brIng PES upto scratch.
However EA Games have announced that they have sold In excess of 4.5 mIllIon unIts sInce the games release In october. Although all games have been somewhat shadowed by Modern Warfare 2, we cannot Ignore how much of an achIevement It Is, to sell so many unIts of a game that wIll not appeal to a huge sector of the world.
Have you bought fIfa 10? If so then you may also be Interested In the downloaded content that Is due to hIt the aIrwaves In Feb 2010. Don’t mIss out on ultImate team!
If you stIll havent secured your copy of FIfa 10 then please ensure you do so that you can be Involved In one of the best sellIng Football games of all tIme! ExperIence Items such as LIve Season 2.0 and the abIlIty to download your face Into the game and play wIth your frIends onlIne wIth every player donnIng theIr very own face agaInst some of the uglIest people on the relevant console networks!