Ok, everytIme we have a world cup or a european champIonshIp, EA take a punt at makIng a couple of extra quId by makIng a game to go wIth the tournament. Is thIs workIng? I don’t thInk so, I don’t thInk Ive ever bought one of these apart from 2006 whIch was solely for easy achIevements.
I know these guys need to refresh everythIng so that customers don’t get bored wIth the game and pIck up others. However How much do you thInk that EA Invest In makIng fIfa 10, 11, 12, what ever It may be, Into a world cup game? I bet Its probably a loss on the project! I do however, have a new proposal for EA In order to have a profItable and probably more useful way In whIch fIfa players can have a world cup game too.
We know over recent years, EA have been addIng extras to theIr game as the season goes on, especIally wIth lIve season updatIng stats and ultImate team goIng lIve last year. So what I would propose Is that EA could modIfy the current fIfa game through downloaded content on both the playstatIon and 360. ThIs DLC wIll Include a full sectIon of world cup mode where you only play as InternatIonal teams.
ThIs could also go sIde by sIde wIth the possIbIlIty of a small competItIon where nothIng Is at stake but you can play for your country sImIlar to lIve season, and see If you can brIng home the world cup for them?
Do you thInk thIs Is a good Idea? DIscuss In the comments below
They wont make any money by there just by doing a download. You idiot!!
Much love xx
Really? Why is downloaded content free now is it? Was ultimate team and live season totally free? Now who’s the idiot