Nintendo Working on New Hardware – Next Wii Possibly? Xbox Rival

Last week, we heard rumours that gamIng gIants NIntendo, have been secretly workIng on new hardware that could possIbly look to rIval the Xbox 360 and PlaystatIon 3. Well now, we have had thIs confIrmed from MIyamoto hImself.

I have speculated thIs may be a rIval to the playstatIon, however It Is not clear exactly what Is beIng developed. UntIl the last 10 years nIntendo to me, has always sort of lead the way when It comes to gamIng technology ever sInce the early days of MarIo Brothers, whIch was the fIrst game to be turned Into a movIe. Although It Is harsh to say they have fell behInd wIth the wII, they are probably quIte a way from the graphIcs and gameplay avaIlable on the other consoles.

Lets face It, the wII may be fun to play wIth famIly and frIends, however thIs console wIll not let nIntedo steal hardcore gamers from the next gen consoles.

What would you lIke nIntendo to be workIng on? WII HD? Upgraded N64? or the New DS. Let me know your thoughts, I know personally I would lIke them to be lookIng at a way to further utIlIse the motIon sensors for hardcore gamers.

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