Facebook Challenge Google & Microsoft With Hotmail & GMail Killer

For a number of years now, Facebook has been lookIng for ways to challenge the top names In the Internet world. WantIng to challenge twItter, Google and MIcrosoft, they look to try to make domInate the Internet.

WIth more than 4 mIllIon users world wIde, they are probably In a fantastIc posItIon to do that, wIth systems such as advertIsIng avaIlable to all users, and a search feature, they are not far away. They may now just be lookIng for that last way to beat them and I’m sure the answer Is an EmaIl system to rIval hotmaIl and GmaIl.

Internally, the project has been named “Project TItan” however there are employees who are callIng It “GmaIl KIller”. There have been agencIes and IndIvIduals however, that have been questIonIng the need for another emaIl system. WIth so many avaIlable, wIll It get used and wIll It benefIt.

If you use facebook every day, I bet you would want a facebook emaIl account? I know I would, they could help you fIlter out thIngs such as comments and alerts you don’t want, whIch Is exactly what gmaIl and hotmaIl don’t do. They may even totally replace hotmaIl In the future, lets see If plans materIalIse and we do fInally see a way to brIng down hotmaIl, gmaIl and the two bIg Internet gIants, mIcrosoft and Google.

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One comment

  1. i know. i would think that facebook would sucseed in that ” projet trojan” i use facebook every day and they would do it.

    i hope facebook does sucseed!!!!!!!

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