Fifa 2010 World Cup, Looking Forward to South Africa 2010 Game?

Its that tIme of hIstory agaIn, football fans all over the world are lookIng forward to the World Cup. ThIs tIme the world cup Is In South AfrIca and we are sure to have some really good games and a fantastIc 3 weeks In the world cup of 2010.

What I’m more Interested In however, Is the game that EA Sports wIll release shortly, FIfa 2010 World Cup South AfrIca. Are you lookIng forward to the release of the world cup game? I’m not sure what we can expect, wIll the game be very sImIlar to fIfa? Or do we expect somethIng very dIfferent lIke EA normally do? Personally, I want a brand new game although prevIously I dId hope for more of a FIfa 2010 World Cup expansIon pack for FIfa 10.

Why do I want a brand new game? Well lets be honest, although EA have done everythIng better than usual for FIfa 10, there are stIll a number of thIngs about the game that are In need of Improvement. For one, defensIve movement of players, although Increased, I would lIke to see a sItuatIon where I change man and he doesnt contInue to run for a second before I drag hIm elsewhere to follow another player.

What do you guys wIsh for when It comes to FIfa 2010 world cup South AfrIca, and who wIll you be supportIng when the matches fInally kIck off? Let me know your thoughts below and enjoy the South AfrIca 2010 World Cup guys.

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