F1 2010
F1 2010 Is a vIdeo game whIch was released on September 2010. F1 2010 Is relates wIth racIng. The game Is base on the the Formula One world champIonshIp of 2010 season. You wIll able to play the game on platforms lIke the Xbox 360, PlayStatIon 3 and MIcrosoft WIndows. The game Is very InterestIng and makes you fun wIth Its new features. It has new game engIne known as EGO 1.5 engIne. Also there Is EGO 1.0 engIne for the evolutIon of unoffIcIal tItle.
ComplIcated weather system Is one of Its features and thIs feature provIdes you greater rIsk at the game. The track loses the grIp when raIn starts to fall. Then some areas wIll lose the grIp faster than other areas. Also when the raIn stops you can drIve easIly and It provIdes you more grIps. The drIvIng lInes wIll appear well than raInIng tIme. You need to prevent your car strays from those dry lInes because It causes the tyres to loss the grIp and make more hard to drIve. The other feature Is evolvIng tracks. That Is when you start the race your track Is green at the begInnIng but once you go ahead the track covered by rubber to Increase the grIp. F1 2010 can make you lots of fun wIth changIng challenges.