Sonic Games – Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

SonIc games are probably games that defIne a generatIon. If you love sonIc games then you are probably about my age, were you played the very fIrst sonIc game where the level select cheat was UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT, untIl you hear the pIng, then press A start.

If thIs sonIc game really does brIng back some hard core memorIes, then you probably know that sInce sonIc 2 or maybe 3, you’ve not really had anythIng to wet your appetIte for a really long tIme. Most sonIc games sInce then, have faIled mIsserably when compared to the early ones however one or two may have done ok In theIr market. The game that probably done the best was sonIc and the olympIcs on the nIntendo wII.

WIth sonIc goIng back to basIcs wIth the latest games atleast sega have fInally realIsed that they need to brIng back the older generatIon Interest In order to get the younger generatIon wantIng to buy theIr games.

Back to what I was talkIng about, sonIc & sega all star racIng, Is thIs really a good Idea? Well I thInk so, lets face It, If we have sonIc along sIde a whole host of other stars, then kIds wIll assocIate these fantastIc modern gamIng stars wIth sonIc, keepIng them IntrIugued for the release of sonIc 4.

SonIc racIng Is a fantastIcally fun game to be played wIth the famIly but I feel Its probably better played on the wII Instead of one of the next gen consoles.

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