Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 or Call of Duty 7 Vietnam?

We now have a release date for chrIstmas 2010 for the call of duty 7 vIetnam edItIon, but Is thIs too early wIth modern warfare 2 stIll one of the most played games on the xbox 360 and playstatIon 3 console. There are a number of people out there that belIeve they need more tIme to fInIsh theIr prestIge before they play the latest edItIon of call of duty.

In essence they are probably rIght, but wIth modern warfare and call of duty now produced as seperate games, there Is probably a laggIng In the factory that belIeve It has been too long sInce call of duty world at war. What are your thoughts on thIs? Do you yearn for another edItIon of call of duty, or should they be waItIng for people to become bored or tIred of call of duty modern warfare 2?

Modern Warfare 2 GlItches

Personally I feel that call of duty modern warfare 2 has seen Its days as people onlIne are also admItIng to movIng to other games such as bIoshock 2, so that they dont have to play games that are rIddled wIth glItch after glItch, and every patch reveals a new one.

Let me know your thoughts, do you requIre a lIttle extra tIme to play? Or are you ready for a new Installment.

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  1. i personally want a new CoD cuz i just cant stand MW2 i bought it played it 4 2 weeks an took it it back if CoD 7 is anything like W@W i cant wait 4 it fuck MW2

  2. i think people should play more cod because it is an amazing fucking game and you should defently bring out the new one and by the time you have i will have completed modern warfare 2 10 times

  3. uh well i just got an xbox and i love the modern warfare series and i love the world at war, but i dont really want a vietnam one, so i probably wont buy it

  4. personally, i think that MW2 isn’t the waste of cash that some people think it is. it’s a good game, but the problem is that when playing online, most of the Assault Rifles require little skill to use. i hope that in Vietnam there won’t be an outright uber-good gun like the MP40, FN SCAR and the Masada (ACR)

  5. call of duty world at war omg its so shit its unreal cod 7 will be worse mw2 fucking amazing cant wait 4 cod 8 wen it goes bk 2 infinity ward instead of treyarch

  6. that would cool to have a vietnam game i love the jungle warfare also please dont make it like mw2 no dedicated servers make it like cod 5 or cod 4 where you can pick the servers you want to join who was the einstein that thought of that idea it surely blows no dedicated servers i hardly play it cause of that reason i mainly play cod 5 or 4 if the next one is not improved i will surely become a battlefield fan thanks mike and i also represent the vast majority of people who stay loyal to the awesome call of duty series until the next one comes out sincerely mike usarmy

  7. you should put more interactive things in the game also doors you can open and close and things like that. there are too many things to list for more interactive stuff

  8. Cannot wait for this to come out i hardly play mw2 now because its so boring instead i spend my time reminising about the good old WaW days

  9. i will defiantly buy the new cod because as much fun as mw2 is, its getting kinda old. plus vietnam was a crazy war and i cant wait to see the story line

  10. My opinion is that i would love another Call of Duty game cuz MW2 its so boring i play WaW more tham MW2 its better but i hope CoD 7 is not like MW2 it should be like WaW or CoD4 but also the fact that its gona be about the Vietnam war makes me happy i love the jungle i think its perfec i hope it comes out soon.

  11. mw2 is horrible. i still play it but thas only because of my love for shooters. mw2 is so fucked up with all its glitches its not worth spending that much time on

  12. Look forget moderwarfre 2 now i have played the hole game finished it clocked all the pretige mode now my frends are telling me to give it back and play bioshock now so please make aanother one even speical ops %100 please make it quik and will it becomeing out in like christmas 2010 or earlyer bye

  13. Hiya again make it like in the cold war or the word war 2 or 1 or maybe if you can like the afhanistan war usa vs taliban like that bye

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