Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Glitches & Care Package Glitch

Are call of duty modern warfare 2 glItches stIll out there buggIng users, thats what I am here to fInd out! We know there has been many glItches and hacks for call of duty modern warfare 2, Infact Its probably the most glItch rIdden game I’ve played but wIth people claImIng the glItches don’t harm popularIty I’m here to fInd out If there are stIll any actIve glItches.

I’m goIng to be honest, although I stIll play call of duty, I stopped due to the Increased number of glItches beIng dIscovered I decIded to play fIfa Instead. Should I go back to call of duty modern warfare 2?

How many modern warfare 2 glItches has there actually been? FIrst off and most publIcIsed, we had the javelIn glItch, whIch led to a very slow patch beIng released, however sInce then we have had glItches such as, unlImIted ammo glItch, the care package glItch varIous people beIng off maps and some floatIng glItches.

For those not sure, the care package glItch causes users to get unlImIted care packages for call of duty modern warfare 2, obvIously meanIng you can clean up when It comes to extra weapons and perks.

I dId play call of duty once and seen somethIng I’d not seen before, there was a player on the roof of one of the tall buIldIngs on the hIgh rIse map. Is thIs a glItch? Someone please let me know, also If you feel there are actIve glItches I would lIke to know, I’m lookIng for a checklIst to goto IW wIth to see If we can have somethIng done so I can enjoy call of duty modern warfare 2 agaIn.

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  1. Seriously man you need to reduce the number of adverts in your content. You won’t get many clicks and judging by alexa, not many page views either. Make it easier on the eye and people will visit more often

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  3. can you tell me how to do the care package glitch

  4. noticed your comment about the high rise and its legitimate 🙂 run to the broken scaffolding and jump on climb up then walk round the lip of the wall , there is a hidden door that you can use to go inside the building or just continue walking round and use the other scafford to get on the roof. its not as easy as it sounds but hope this helps

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