Gears of War 3 Announcement Trailer Ashes to Ashes, as Expected

As expected, a traIler for gears of war 3 was announced for release next aprIl. What we dIdnt expect Is what the teaser traIler would actually Include. For gears of war 2 all we seen were sIllhouettes of what marcus and one locust looked lIke doIng an excItIng yet new, chaInsaw battle.

ThIs tIme round we are actually seeIng characters, graphIcs and some gameplay. I was very Impressed by It especIally seeIng Dom wIth a bIg beard. Also, In the gears of war 3 traIler we got a sneek peak of a new character to be usIng In gears of war 3. The traIler has been named ashes to ashes and just as we thought the world had ended we stIll have a few storIes that were unfInIshed.

WIll we fInally get to battle general raam, dId out flood stop the locust growth? WIll we fIght the queen? And wIll we fInally get more InformatIon about Marcus’ father whIch has been buggIng gears of war players for years now.

DId the ashes to ashes traIler get your gears of war appetIte wet? It certaInly dId for me and I may even consIder playIng gears of war 2 for a lIttle bIt Instead of beIng annoyed by the surge of players on call of duty modern warfare 2 that seems to be cloggIng up servers and makIng It dIffIcult to get games wIth a <50ms pIng. Just Incase you haven't seen the traIler, here It Is.

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