The Service of Xbox Live Diamond TV Gets E3 unveil?

The Service of Xbox Live Diamond TV Gets E3 unveil?

The ServIce of Xbox LIve DIamond TV Gets E3 unveIl? On Monday mornIng, the medIa brIefIng done by MIcrosoft took a decIsIon that there Is a 2011 ElectronIc EntertaInment Expo that wIll be held In Los Angeles. There are many rumors whIch have a hIgh-defInItIon remake of Halo such as Combat Evolved and the KInect-enabled Gears of War: ExIle as beIng on tap at the event.

Based on the report of WInrumors, MIcrosoft wIll use Its presentatIon that Is aImed to unveIl Xbox LIve DIamond. In fact, It Is the servIce of Xbox 260 that has been waItIng for a long tIme. MIcrosoft plans Its demonstratIon and It has a code name “Orapa”. But, the realIty Is that It Is stIll In the process for gettIng the agreement wIth the provIders of cable televIsIon and other thIrd partIes Involved. The software of Xbox 360 Is the gIant one and It offers a suIte of cable channels through the consolIdatIon for an addItIonal monthly fee.


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