KInect and MIckey Mouse wIll appear In MIcrosoft and It Is aImed to bIll Its popular technology In motIon control as famIly-orIented. Its appearance Is also uses for announcIng the new partnershIp wIth maIn North AmerIcan amusement parks of DIsney. There Is no confIrmatIon whether MIcrosoft wIll announce the game of DIsney KInect tomorrow or not. We just need to waIt and see.
But, the news can stem from IndefatIgable Internet sleuth SuperannuatIon about the domaIn names regIstered by MIcrosoft such as “KInect DIsneyland Adventures”, KInect DIsney World”, “KInect DIsneyland”, “DIsneyland KInect”, and also “KInect MagIc KIngdom”. The further InformatIon about those names Is not avaIlable and It wIll close the realIty about the news. We just waIt for tomorrow mornIng after the medIa brIefIng whIch Is done. The brIefIng wIll be done at 9.00 a.m. and the result wIll be announced ImmedIately so people wIll know about thIs partnershIp whether It comes true or not.