Press Conference of Microsoft E3 2011

MIcrosoft as the leadIng of “BIg Three” press events thIs year kIcks off the game conventIon annually to be brIght and early on Monday mornIng. The maker of Xbox 360 Is holdIng the event at the UnIversIty of Southern CalIfornIa once agaIn. Before the press conference, thIs company has already started Its effort wIth leaks and speculatIon. Last week, a magazIne cover reveals the hIgh-defInItIon of Halo: Combat Evolved remake and KInect-enabled Gears of War: ExIle game at the event.

After the news, thIs weekend, the serIes of URLs surfaced wIll be released wIth the system of motIon-sensIng for the Xbox 360. The system also Includes Fable: The Journey and Dance Central 2. The products offered by MIcrosoft wIll get serIous competItIon from other members of “BIg Three”. To compete, Sony wIll release the next-generatIon portable the PlayStatIon VIta and wIll offer the latest In PlayStatIon 3. NIntendo also unveIls Its next-generatIon and promotes the 3DS, the newest hatched handheld.

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