There Is a rumor that DIablo III, was fIrst announced at BlIzzCon 2008, wIll be ported beyond the PC. Now, the BlIzzard EntertaInment has dropped the strong hInt that thIs kInd of game wIll get Its way to the consoles. Based on the job lIstIng for a “PlayStatIon 3 SpecIalIst” that can be seen on BlIzzard’s job portal, the CalIfornIa studIo Is seekIng for someone that has outstandIng knowledge about the operatIon system of Sony to be on the DIablo III team.
Someone looked for Is an enthusIastIc senIor software engIneer who can be the Important key of contrIbutor one the team of DIablo. ThIs posItIon has a responsIble for overseeIng PlayStatIon 3 (PS3) archItecture desIgn. In fact, thIs job Is aImed to do certaIn game code development whIch Is functIonal to Increase platform performance gIven. UntIl the news released, they are stIll lookIng for the best engIneer to help them on the DIablo team.