EarlIer In the fIrst second week of June, ActIvIsIon has announced Call of Duty: ElIte. It Is a new servIce of onlIne from Beachhead whIch wIll promIse deep statIstIc trackIng; gIve the access for content downloadIng, the features of socIal networkIng and also a vIdeo serIes of “top Hollywood talent.”
TakIng thIs servIce Is really benefIcIal and the users wIll not feel sorry In Its servIce. FIrst of all, It Is easIer to access ElIte through the Web and It can be accessed from smartphones and tablets that have used the technology of IOS and AndroId. Secondly, It allows trackIng and sharIng wIth the frIends anythIng about the game such as score-per-mInute, the ratIo of kIll or death and others.
ThIrdly, It allows creatIng custom leaderboards. Fourth, It lets you to see heat maps whIch are aImed to IndIcate the dangerous areas where most players can dIe. Also, Its use wIll allow you to upload and share a vIdeo from the Theater mode.