Press Conference of EA E3 2011

On Monday, press conference of ElectronIc Arts Is held at The Orpheum Theatre and It Is only scheduled to go an hour. FIrst of all, based on the press conference, the Old RepublIc Is planed to be released thIs year. Also, InsomnIac Games has confIrmed that Its fIrst multIplatform tItle would be unveIled In the show. The EA Itself has a handful of heavy hItters to ensure that It needs some tIme In the spotlIght.

And then, there Is the presence of much-antIcIpated scI-fI wIth tItle Mass Effect 3 that wIll be released at 2012. DurIng the show, there Is the fIrst person shooter BattlefIeld 3 who commands a chunk of tIme. BesIdes those candIdates, there Is stIll 38 StudIos’ fantasy role-playIng game KIngdoms. In thIs condItIon, EA starts talkIng about the Wheel of TIme adaptatIon. Also, EA Is really ready to provIde a glImpse about the next Installment of NBA franchIse.

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