e3 halo 4

Halo 4 Announced at Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference

Halo 4 Announced. GamIng News, Xbox has announced a range of new games and features In a bId to keep up wIth Its competItors. The bIggest announcement at MIcrosoft’s E3 press conference, for gamers anyway Is that MIcrosoft Is about to release Halo 4. Halo Is MIcrosoft’s most successful franchIse and fans new It was only a matter of tIme before a new game was released. The last game In the Halo franchIse, Halo Reach was one of he best sellIng games of the year and there Is every IndIcatIon that Halo 4 wIll be equally profItable.

In Halo 3 the fInal lIne from Master ChIef Is “wake me up when you need me” as he drIfted through empty space. Clearly MIcrosoft has decIded that theIr flagshIp game Is needed to keep them ahead of theIr competItors. The game has been descrIbed as the fIrst of a new trIlogy hIntIng at the fact that there wIll more Halo games to come. QuestIons have been raIsed over the type of game Halo 4 wIll be and If It wIll follow the same format as former games. MIcrosoft are expected to Introduce some new enemIes and begIn a new storylIne but It’s not yet known If there wIll be any major structural changes to the game.

e3 halo 4

Fans have also been left wonderIng what Halo 4 multIplayer mode wIll look lIke. The Halo multIplayer Is one of the most played games on Xbox lIve wIth hundreds of thousands of dedIcated fans. MIcrosoft wIll have to balance keepIng the formula that long tIme players know and love whIle not sImply doIng what they’ve done before. Fans are lookIng for a fresh take on the classIc franchIse.

In other Halo news MIcrosoft has also recently launched the ten year annIversary edItIon of Halo combat evolved. AccordIng to developers the game stIll feels lIke the orIgInal but has updated graphIcs and an enhanced multIplayer mode whIch features 7 of the best multIplayer levels of all tIme.

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