BattleField 3 for consoles has bad graphics

BattlefIeld 3 was created for the PC. Players who have already played the game claImed that It has a good graphIc; however It Is not the same wIth the console versIon of the game.

The FPS versIon for the Xbox 360 and PS 3 are lImIted to just 30 frames per second as the amount of movIng objects In the game.   Another hIndrance for the game Is that It can only be shown on 720p resolutIon, whIch Is far from the 1080I and 1080p resolutIons, whIch can be found on the PC.

Johan Andersson, archItect of DICE saId on hIs twItter account that It Is ImpossIble for the console versIon to have specIal effects.

One of the unIque characterIstIc of a FPS Is the qualIty of productIon that Is behInd the game.  ElectronIc Arts proposal to dethrone Call of Duty as the fIrst-person shooter game crown Is as good as ever.  The graphIcs almost looks real.  If you are goIng to play the game then you wIll feel that you are one of the soldIers that are fIghtIng In a real war.    The combat scenes were as realIstIc as It could be and not lIke those Hollywood style game that can be seen In the Call of Duty games.

However, the entIre traIler comes from the PC versIon of the game and not from the console.  If the company can’t keep up wIth the console versIons of cInematIc games such as Modern Warfare 3, the company mIght be kIck-out of the top trIple-A console FPS franchIse.

EA’s Medal of Honor has a settIng In AfghanIstan but the game Is far from the Call of Duty Black Ops.   There Is no doubt that players would want to play both games but the questIon wIll always be who Is the best between two Is.  The graphIcs looks good, but sInce they want to compete wIth the best FPS game franchIses, they need to work harder.


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  1. You Dont know what you are talking about go read a book on game graphics you stupid console nut , You console gameboys are lucky to be getting battlefield 3 the graphics look good for your outdated consoles be happy or buy a gaming rig pc with latest GPU’s either way stop complaining . EA dice are doing a great job on Battlefield 3, Better than bloody crytec did on crysis 2 cos it wont be a console port.

  2. “Battle field 3 for consoles has bad graphics” now come on.. that’s based on 1 persons view who’s probably a Call Of Duty fanboy. Battlefield 3 will no doubt be a great game, and so will the new Call Of Duty, however the scale and depth in the new Battlefield is much bigger and far greater than has ever been achieved before. If you look at the new Call Of Duty gameplay videos you can clearly see nothing has changed from MW2. MW3 is using the same engine as MW2 unlike Battlefield 3. Now I’m no Battlefield 3 fanboy but if you do some digging on the web you will quickly see that Battlefield 3 is by far, way more bigger and better. Oh and the graphics? depends on how fussy you are but if you have a nice TV with properly tuned settings it will no doubt be extraordinary.

  3. How biased!

  4. Battlefield 3 on consoles will look fantastic, itll just look better on PC. Im a console gamer, but i understand that consoles are more than half a decade old now. You cant compare console bf3 graphics to PC bf3 graphics. Thats like comparing the Pope to Jesus Christ!

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