Google sets its eye on the gaming industry

Looks lIke Google Is settIng Its eye on the gamIng Industry sInce they are In search of a product manager.

The search gIant Is gearIng toward the gamIng Industry and they want to fInd a competent IndIvIdual that Is capable of managIng teams In the gamIng Industry.   The successful person wIll be workIng In the MountaIn VIew CalIfornIa.  Some of the responsIbIlItIes wIll be to drIve some features to the games, workIng wIth busIness development, InItIalIzIng and prIorItIzIng projects from the EngIneerIng department and to establIsh partnershIp wIthIn or outsIde the company.

For requIrements:

  • Google wants a college graduate wIth Master degree most preferable.
  • Some product management experIence so that he/she already know what to do In the gamIng Industry.
  • Has entrepreneurIal skIlls and Is enthusIast about creatIng games.
  • Has a proven abIlIty In gatherIng InformatIon and Is able to turn that Into wInnIng product vIsIon.
  • Has both quantItatIve and analytIcal abIlIty that has deep understandIng over the gamIng platform.


Last year, Google announced that they want to take on the gamIng gIants such as WII and KInect as the most preferred game platform InsIde lIvIng room on all the corners of UK.

Because of that, Google now Is In search of the best one that they could add to theIr team, someone that have the InItIatIve and Is proud to work In the gamIng Industry.  ThIs person wIll be the maIn man In that team and lead other experIence game developers.

I thInk that Google dId a good decIsIon of settIng Its eye on the gamIng Industry sInce the whole world Is Into vIdeo games.  TheIr addItIon to the gamIng gIants wIll put some pressure to the qualIty of games that Is beIng produce.  ThIs wIll only mean that gamers would be gettIng the most benefIt sInce the gamIng Industry Is ever growIng.

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