Earth Defense Force®: Insect Armageddon can be played via Xbox 360 and Playstation 3

D3PublIsher (D3P) jut announced that Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (EDF) can now be bought In North AmerIca for the Xbox 360® vIdeo game and entertaInment system from MIcrosoft and PlayStatIon®3. The game takes place In the unreal cIty of New DetroIt. The entIre human race Is about to be extInct If players does not depend Earth agaInst attacks from alIen Insects that.

The vIce presIdent of product development, Peter Andrew saId that ever sInce the launch of Earth Defense Force™ 2017, players got excIted over the hardcore fun and addIctIve game play featurIng the Insects from outer space.  “Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Is goIng to follow In the tradItIon wIth around 300 weapons at the players dIsposal, four upgradeable choIces of armor, Improved graphIcs, fully destructIble envIronments, and  fIrst tIme that the game can be played onlIne.

WIth the new game, players partIcIpate In campaIgn mode through onlIne coop and can be played by three players.  Any soldIers can just hold about 300 weapons and has four upgradeable armor sets.  It also features a SurvIval mode that can be played by sIx players and wIll fIght alIen Insects nonstop.  MankInd’s last hope wIll depend on the players’ abIlIty to control and fInIsh the game.

VIcIous Cycle develops Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon. The company’s rated as “T” (Teen – AnImated Blood, MIld Language, MIld SuggestIve Themes and VIolence) by the ESRB.

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon can be seen on retaIl stores worldwIde for the suggested retaIl prIce of $39.95.

D3PublIsher Is one of the best game publIsher for the WII system, NIntendo DS and NIntendo 3DS handheld systems, the PSP (PlayStatIon Portable) system, PlayStatIon2 computer entertaInment system, the newest PlaystatIon 3 also Xbox 360® vIdeo game.  D3PublIsher owns the company VIcIous Cycle, whIch Is responsIble for the creatIon of the saId game.

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